
Showing posts from August, 2017

Introduction - and Call to Action!

My pal and confidante,  Robin Campbell, and I are going to hike the Bruce Trail – all 898.6 kilometres of it....or thereabouts.  We will begin on September 6, 2017 at the northern terminus of the trail at the cairn in Tobermory overlooking Tobermory Harbour. We will finish in mid-October at the southern terminus in Queenston Heights Park near Niagara Falls. We have a daily schedule planned  that will have us hiking about 25k each day. We have built in a rest day each week, and we have all our lodgings booked. If anyone wants to join us for all or part of a day’s hike, we would welcome the company. If you are thinking this is something you would like to do, please contact us. We will give you a copy of our schedule, and suggest how best to join up with us. Why are we doing this??!! As we head into our 60+ years (at the end of August Robin is celebrating her 60 th.  and I am celebrating my 69th) we want to model our  belief that by keeping  our minds alert, our b